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    basementWhat’s down in your basement? You might not go down there often but when you do, it can be a startling sight to spot rodents, termites or snakes living in your space.

    In these instances, you know what to do: Reach out to Eliminate ‘Em to remove the pests from your basement – then what? Although you make an effort to change your daily habits and clean up the basement on your own, certain factors may cause the pests to return.

    How Pests Target Your Basement

    Whether it’s cold outside or the middle of summer, all pests seek two things: Shelter and a source of food and water. Your basement looks perfect, especially if it’s a damp, moist area with plenty of clutter.

    Much like your attic, it only takes a small hole or crevice for a pest to pass through. With your basement, these points may be:

    • Cracks and crevices along foundation walls.
    • The dry joint between the house’s footing and the foundation wall.
    • Places where pipes and other utility lines pass into your home.
    • Crevices through and behind insulation.
    • Any gaps or crevices behind siding, trim, windows, shingles, brick ledges and finishing materials.

    Once there, pests may tear apart your insulation to use for nesting and will contaminate the space with their droppings and urine. In the process, their presence attracts extra moisture, which may lead to water damage or attract other pests, like termites or carpenter ants.

    Cleaning Up the Basement

    Our basement cleanup process has two goals: To fully clean and sanitize the space, then get rid of any gaps of lingering scents that could attract other pests.

    Our general cleanup and abatement services entail:

    • Removing all old and damaged insulation.
    • Cleaning up all waste, including oils, hair, nests and bodily fluids, then disinfecting the space.
    • Installing new insulation and a vapor barrier to your basement and crawlspaces to prevent future moisture damage.
    • Installing any pest control guards to your home’s lower level.

    Aside from these services, we help clean up and restore your basement through the following:

    Sealing Up Entry Points

    When you think about it, your basement offers several pathways for pests to enter. To prevent future infestations, our team scans the exterior for:

    • Cracks along the foundation
    • Open vents
    • Any openings near exposed dirt, especially crawlspaces
    • Holes a half-inch or larger
    • Openings around pipes and other utility lines

    Once we identify these entry points, we seal them up or apply screens to keep the pests away from your home’s interior.

    Controlling Moisture

    Whether you’re dealing with insects or rodents, all pests are in search of water. According to a study by Advanced Energy, fully sealed and waterproof crawlspaces help cut down on the presence of insects and other pests by as much as 70 percent.

    To help you out in this area, our team assesses your basement to determine how damp it is. Based on what’s found, we can assist with sealing it up or improving its waterproofing. In the process, we may install a vapor barrier, which adds a secondary level of protection. The barrier, helps seal the walls, ceiling and floors, thus preventing moisture from passing through. It further offers a year-round energy-efficient solution that decreases heating costs in winter and keeps the basement cool in summer.
    To avoid dealing with another basement infestation down the line, reach out to Eliminate ‘Em today for permanent pest control and cleanup services.

    To learn more about our services,
    Contact Us Today (866) 802-7378